Accessing Struts message resources from Javascript

Sorry again, non-techie folks, for another post for the handful of geeks who seem to stumble across my blog.

(Actually I post these mostly for my own sake, so I can remember how I solved a tricky problem.)

Today I finally got fed up with adding more hard-coded message strings to my Javascript code when we already have a place to define “message resources” on the server side – in the file. Struts lets you define such a file in struts-config.xml, and this can be used for i18n as well as simple “localization” of strings used throughout one’s application. More info about Struts Internationalization can be found here.

To make these strings available to my Javascript code, I write a simple “plugin” class that runs when the application loads, and writes all of the key/value pairs in to a javascript file (“constants.js”), which can then be included and accessed from any script.

The generated Javascript file looks like this:

“foo.bar1″:”My String”,
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… etc.

If I include this file, I can do this instead of hard-coding the string:


This is yet another case where Javascript needs to be better-integrated with Java back ends. A more unified environment like the Google Web Toolkit would presumably eliminate the need for such hackery.

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