Why do so few companies observe Martin Luther King day?!?

Martin Luther King Day falls on Jan. 21st this year (3rd Monday of January). It’s an official Federal Holiday. Schools will be closed, the Post Office won’t be delivering mail. It’s a holiday honoring arguably one of the most important Americans who ever lived. If you are in good health, then 100mg Zenegra tablets can be perfect to online viagra 4frontimports.com give desired results. Consumption of ripe mango increases hemoglobin in blood and is very always in stock buy levitra useful in treating anaemia. It will reach to you in few days. 4frontimports.com female viagra online is viagra. The strength will be written overleaf of the medicine and it is as safe as all the branded medicine. order generic levitra And yet, very few private companies actually give their employees the day off. None that I’ve worked for since the holiday was established have. Anybody reading this work for a company that does?

I, for one, will be using one of my precious vacation days to honor this man who gave his life in sacrifice to end racism in America. i think it’s the very least one can do. And besides, the kids will need looking after.

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