Growl java logging Handler

Since I’m developing on a Mac (thank G-D!), yesterday I got the idea that it might be useful if all my WARNING and above – level Java logging messages were displayed as Growl alerts.

The Growl Java implementation leaves a lot to be desired. Fortunately I found this nifty little java library that makes this real easy.

Once you’ve copied the jar file into your classpath, all you have to do is create a concrete subclass of java.util.logging.Handler, and configure your logging setup to use it as desired.

You could get fancy and have different icons for different log levels or something, but the following code should get you started. Enjoy!

import java.util.logging.*;
import com.growl.GrowlWrapper;

public class GrowlLoggingHandler extends Handler
    public void publish(LogRecord logRecord)

            GrowlWrapper gw = new GrowlWrapper("MyApp", "Finder", new String[]{"MyApp"}, new String[]{"WARNING"});
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                          logRecord.getSourceClassName() + "." + logRecord.getSourceMethodName() + ":\n" +

    // need to implement a few abstract methods from the superclass ..

    public void flush()


    public void close() throws SecurityException

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