social networking needs to free itself from email

OK, maybe I’m having a kind of “Andy Rooney” moment here (at least 50% of the blog posts I read are Andy Rooney moments), but did you ever notice how many social networking sites use email address as your account identifier? LinkedIn, Facebook, and MySpace come to mind.

I suppose they are trying to be all efficient and reduce the number of steps to get folks into their system, but what a stupid idea this is. What happens if you have to change your email address in a hurry for some reason? Changing your email address on these sites isn’t that hard I suppose, but still, it seems like a very bad choice for an account id. Many people share email addresses with their spouse (bad idea but still it happens all the time), and many people have multiple email addresses for various purposes.

Also, getting notifications via email is so 1980’s. Facebook has so many email notifications it’s ridiculous. Do you really want to fill up your inbox with this stuff? Why not use IM or Twitter for this sort of thing?

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Bah humbug! I’m going to go eat some oatmeal and take a nap.

Update 6/3 – Just learned there is an actual term for this: BACN!

3 thoughts on “social networking needs to free itself from email

  1. My favorite part of this post was how you said emailing updates was so 1980s, lol, I hate email updates too, I have come to disable all I can and delete the rest without hesitation. Only way to stay productive I guess. Peace.

  2. System notifications could be published as RSS. The SMS/IM/Twitter model seems all nice and dandy, but Twitter themselves is having a hard time scaling to the levels needed to support all that ‘real time notification’ stuff.

    My Andy Rooney moment is that polling will come back in to fashion yet again. Even if want to hit a system 5 times per second, caching and partitioning of what server(s) I hit can take care of most of that issue. But having to keep connections alive to push notices to me, or to have to blast out thousands of SMS does not seem scalable. Perhaps it’s technically more efficient from an overall bandwidth standpoint, but there’s more moving parts and more chances of something getting lost, imo.

    Re: email address(es) – openID should be pushed as a default on more systems. Having said that, I’m not implementing it in my login system right now cause it’s a technical pain behind the scenes, and I’ve not found a library that I understand yet (in java, did one in php).

  3. Pingback: Defining The Obvious » Bringing home the bacn

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