Subversion (SVN) tip: Restoring deleted files & committing to HEAD

Sorry for the boring techie post today, but it took me hours to figure this out (no thanks to the useless posts and SVN documentation I found on this subject).

To do this, you need to first figure out what version the deleted files were in. Use the command-line for this:

svn log -v

Once you know the version number, use the “copy” command to restore the deleted files. In svn-documentation-speak, you want to copy from a URL to your “working copy” (WC). For example, say you wanted to restore the file “foo.png” from version 4019 to the “images” directory in my project:

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svn copy -r 4019 svn://[server]/[path-to-file]/foo.png [full-path-to-working-copy]/images

This will do an svn ADD, which you can then commit using svn commit.

Hope this helps someone!

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