My boss Jared and I flew up to Reston VA insanely early this morning to get trained on Google Earth Enterprise software.
Here are some photos from our trip:
Left to right: Michael Evanoff (Google Earth Engineer), Jared Peterson (Lead Developer, Saffron Technology), and yours truly:
The Google cafeteria where we were served a gourmet lunch:
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Fridge stocked with free drinks, including Naked Juice! Yum!
Google Game room:
Massage Chair:
Mikey: I really enjoyed these pix, probably just that silly but entrancing logo expanded all over the place. And I’m a regular googlearth user, so seeing engineer Michael E. was like a glimpse of a sliver of god. The massage chair looks like it’s got an interesting but painful ac/dc projection. All Sorts of massage options in the ole googlemplayee lounge, nudge, wink. (fnord there)
So there was a list of sample bookmarked songs or some such, I suppose all favorites of yours, which had relayer’s To Be Over, which I still greatly appreciate for howe’s extensive jams. Absolutely facemelting stuff, there. Of course when yer up for the full body melt you gotta start with the beginning of that album side and Soundchaser. later
Hi..I didn’t know Google has an office in Reston. Where can I get more info..number of folks there..types of positions there..etc.
Where is the Reston office? I only know of the NY Ave, DC location. I live/work in Reston and would be stoked to know where Google NoVA is! Thanks!
1818 Library St, Suite 400 Reston VA, 20190
Is the Reston location only a training facility?
Nope – there are some developers there as well, mainly working on Google’s “Enterprise” products. See