Actionscript “Gotchas”

I’ve learned a few of these during my recent battles with Flash and Actionscript & wanted to document them for

1) Unlike Javascript, you can’t call functions until they are defined. Flash will not complain about this at compile time nor at runtime however. You can call undefined functions all you want – it’s just a no-op to Flash.

2) Beware of loose typing. When pulling data from xml, for example, you must explicitly cast to the correct datatype. Note that you can compare Strings but you’ll get unexpected results.

3) Sometimes you can get into race conditions due to animation. For example, I have a method called “resize_bar” that sets a colored bar between two date range sliders. When the date sliders are moved, this method gets called to adjust the size of the bar, but it has to be called several times in rapid succession to follow the animation. This could be solved by simply calling the method in a loop with setInterval, but that puts unnecessary load on the CPU. So here’s the solution I came up with; it works nicely but requires some trial and error to get the values just right.

var displayBoxesReps;
var displayBoxesInterval;

// need to do this several times in rapid succession to handle the animation.
// we don't want to keep doing it forever though...
resize_display_boxes = function () {
displayBoxesReps = 1000;
displayBoxesInterval = setInterval(doResizeDisplayBoxes, 200);

In order to stay away from all the problems prescription for cialis in a man s life. Do not starts, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's cialis tadalafil 10mg approval. Lugol's Enema Add tsp (25 drops) of Lugol's iodine to 1 pint of very warm water; pour into Fleet bottles (giving yourself several doses), or cialis soft 20mg enema apparatus. You will viagra sale india be given homework, assignments, instructional delivery and assessments. doResizeDisplayBoxes = function () {
if (displayBoxesReps==0) {
} else {
// set some positions and format for the date range readout things
readoutmin_mc.readoutmin_txt.autoSize = "right";
readoutmin_mc.left_mc._width = readoutmin_mc.readoutmin_txt._width-15;
readoutmax_mc.readoutmax_txt.autoSize = "left";
readoutmax_mc.right_mc._width = readoutmax_mc.readoutmax_txt._width-17;
// set the box position and width to the slider handles
box_mc._x = sliderone_mc._x+(sliderone_mc._width/2);
box_mc._width = (slidertwo_mc._x)-(sliderone_mc._x);
//trace("in resize_display_boxes, displayBoxesReps is " + displayBoxesReps + ", box_mc._width is " + box_mc._width);

Adventures in Flash Development

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My current project at work involves customizing the MeasureMap Flash Date Slider widget for use with our application.

Not being a Flash developer, I’ve run into some basic issues that took a while to sort out. As is my habit, I’m documenting these here so that a) I won’t have to remember them, and b) someone might find them useful. Here goes!

1. If you need to compile a project that includes .fla files, even if you don’t need to edit those files, you can’t use the (free) Flex SDK. You have to use Flash, or venture off into open source world.

2. The Flash IDE is now bundled the Adobe Creative Suite. If you have a graphic/web designer in your company, there’s a really good chance they have a copy of Flash you can install.

3. Actionscript debugging is typically done using “trace()” statements. To view these you need to install a special “debug” version of the Flash Player (uninstall the non-debug version first). The trace statements are written to a file called “flashlog.txt” on your Desktop. More details here.

4. Applying CSS stylesheets to TextFields is not well-documented. Most of the examples you’ll find on the ‘net load the stylesheet file repeatedly; this is completely unnecessary. All you need to do is this:

var styles = new TextField.StyleSheet(); // make this _global if you want
var sheet = "mysheet.css";
styles.onLoad = function(success:Boolean):Void {
if (success) {
trace("Loaded " + sheet);
} else {
trace("Error loading " + sheet);

Then to set the text content:

myTextField.styleSheet=styles; // always do this first!

Another “gotcha” that cost me a day of work: make sure there are no embedded fonts in your TextField. In the Flash IDE, click the “embed…” button and remove all embedding. In my experience, the combo of embedded fonts + StyleSheets makes Flash’s head explode, and causes your Flash TextFields to disappear.

That’s all for now… I’ll update this post later as I continue to wade ever deeper into the Flash swamp.

TortoiseSVN PROPFIND error

I’m a big fan of tortoisesvn, a Windows shell extension for Subversion. However, I encountered a really annoying issue with it today that should have been easily addressed.

In the Repository Browser, when connecting to the SVN server it asks for a URL. By reflex I used “http:…” rather than “svn:…”. This resulted in the following error message:

“Server sent unexpected return value (501 Method PROPFIND is not defined in RFC 2068 and is not supported by the Servlet API ) in response to PROPFIND request”

Um… guys? How about checking that the user typed “svn:”? Or better yet, how about not making us remember to type “svn:”, if that’s the only protocol that works?
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Sheeesh. It’s called USABILITY, people. Look it up.

BTW, googling for “TortoiseSVN PROPFIND error” led me to a bunch support archives with this same question but no useful answers. I’m willing to bet this post gets a fair number of hits. 🙂

Pro-Choice State “Grade” vs. Median Household Income

This chart shows the pro-choice “grade” (as reported by NARAL) vs. Median Household Income as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. The NARAL grades (A,B,C, etc.) were translated into a linear numeric scale (A=100,000, B=90,000, etc.) for easy comparison.

You may want to right-click on the image and open in a new window for a closer look.

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Feel free to draw your own conclusions.

The Semantics of Poo

I’ve been finding myself recently having to teach my kids about the semantics of the many slang terms for human waste.

For example:

Many, but not all such words can be used as verbs. “Poop” and “crap” fall into that category (as in “I have to poop”), while “crud” and “turd” do not.

It is estimated that Erectile Dysfunction condition affects: 12% of men that are younger than 60 22% of men that are present in their 60s 30% of men that levitra sales uk additional info are 70 or older The issue of impotence enhances along the increase in age. Dietary issues: Excessive consumption of alcohol, fatty foods and grapefruits are not allowed while taking this medicine, as they best cheap viagra readily hamper drug absorption. This can help you go longer in bed. cialis soft uk He further adds that workout benefits tadalafil professional cheap your heart while surging the blood flow to the genitals. Then there are the plural nouns. There can be “poop”, “crap”, and “crud” in the toilet, but “turd” requires an article (as in “I stepped in _a_ turd.”, vs. “I stepped in poop.”).

Fortunately I haven’t yet been called upon to explain the advanced linguistic permutations of the “S” word yet. Hopefully that can wait a few more years.

Ahhh, the joys of fatherhood!

Switching from AT&T to Time-Warner

This week I switched our phone and internet service from AT&T to Time-Warner, which saved me about $50/month.

So far I’m pretty impressed. The install was fairly quick and painless – I was working from home anyway so didn’t mind waiting around for the installer to show up. The new Time-Warner phone service works with our ADT security system – this was a major reason we didn’t use them in the first place. The only major problem was my old LinkSys router (model # BEFSR41 v3), which had been sitting in a drawer for a year or so, didn’t work for some reason. After trying unsuccessfully for a few hours, I finally decided to just buy a new “G” router which works fine.

I was a bit worried about phone call quality, esp. while making heavy internet use, but they use separate cable feeds for each and so far I haven’t noticed any problems at all.

The only other issue is apparently Time-Warner (like Bellsouth) prevents smtp relaying, so to send email from my OS X mail client I had to use their outgoing server ( No authentication required.

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Time-Warner even took the liberty of canceling my AT&T service for me, without telling me… which was kind of good & bad.

So far so good. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Kate Rusby

I really love good Celtic female singers, and I just discovered a new favorite – Kate Rusby – thanks to Pandora.

If this song doesn’t make you cry, you may be an android.
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Jocks vs. Nerds

As I watch the 2008 Presidential Election unfold, a theme is emerging for me. Our country is increasingly becoming divided between Jocks and Nerds. I’m not sure exactly when or how this started. Maybe this “Brains vs. Brawn” split is a basic “watershed” aspect of human nature. Like the income gap, this chasm appears to be widening. Those who are physically well-endowed – exemplified by John McCain’s celebrated military background and Sarah Palin’s competing in beauty pageants in her youth – tend to gravitate toward the “Jock” site of this split, whereas those of us who cannot compete physically tend to focus on developing our mental abilities.

This split is reflected in the values of the Republican (Jock) and Democrat (Nerd) parties.

Jocks value brute strength above all else, thus building up our military and flexing our military muscles at every opportunity. They place little to no value in Science and Art, and prefer to operate on “gut instinct” and conformity. They tend to bully their way through life and show no mercy or compassion for those less fortunate.
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Nerds, by contrast, value contemplation and thoughtfulness. They tend to take a scientific view of almost everything, and prefer to study a situation carefully before making a decision. They tend to be much more empathic and open-minded in their approach to solving problems.

Now I’m not saying all Jocks are evil brutes and all Nerds are benevolent geniuses. These are obviously stereotypes. But our dysfunctional political process, based on our two-party system, ends up forcing candidates toward the extremes of these two poles, leaving the voters to choose the lesser of two evils. The Jocks have been running the country for eight years. Perhaps it’s time to let the Nerds have a go?

My dad explains the financial crisis

My dad sent me the following explanation of the financial crisis. He is a CPA and retired partner at Price Waterhouse Coopers, and currently does financial consulting. It’s one of the clearest explanations I’ve read.

“How we got into this situation: It started several years ago with mortgages being made to people who didn’t qualify for them, with conditions that made them look very favorable, but contained major adjustment clauses, such as large increases in interest rates after a couple of years.  In addition, many major banks made home equity loans (HELOC’s) to many people in large amounts without much, if any checking on the borrower’s ability to pay, the adequacy of collateral, etc.  The investment banking community then saw opportunities to make alot of money by creating mortgage packages, or bundles of mortgages that they could sell to investors, like overseas banks, insurance companies and others.  The insurance industry got into this as well by issuing, for a fee, guarantees that the mortgage funds would be be made whole in the event of nonpayment of mortgages.

There were no regulations of these, and where there were they were not watched very carefully.  HELOCs for example.  It grew into billions of dollars, not only involving the US but many overseas financial companies as well.

It all started to unravel when the mortgages started to adjust and people realized that they couldn’t make their payments.  They then let the houses go into foreclosure.  That’s when things started to unravel, because these mortgage funds, or pools of mortgages, could not be valued.  Accounting rules requires that assets be marked to market every quarter, which meant that the investment firms, banks, etc had to adjust the value of these pools on their books, which became next to impossible.  They had to take very large writeoffs, which in some cases put them in a negative capital position.  Many of them, when they bought these portfolios, bought them with borrowed money.  When they took the writeoffs their lenders wanted to get repaid, and many of them didn’t have the funds available to pay the lenders.  This created a ripple effect (some call it a sunami)  causing the holders of these funds to try to get liquid and trying to sell this paper for next to nothing.  That forced further writedowns.  Companies were then liquidated (Bear Sterns for example) with the gov’t taking over the bad paper. 

The Treasury and Fed Reserve tried to deal with the situation on a piecemeal basis.  That didn’t work.  Panic was setting in last week, with people trying to pull money out of money market funds, banks and investment firms.  For example, last Thursday we (Mark and I ) tried to put our clients cash into US Treasury paper.  We could not find any 30 Treasuries to buy.  If the word of the US Gov’t bailout had not leaked Thursday afternoon, it is likely that by Friday or Saturday you would not have been able to get money out of your ATM machine, and that all financial accounts would have been frozen.  It was really that bad.
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I (and a few others) have been saying for over 6 months that we needed to have a federal program to deal with this similar to the RTC program that was created in the early 90s when the Savings and Loan industry went through a financial crisis.  If we had done it months ago the number would have been much less.  If it is handled correctly, it shouldn’t end up costing the govt much, if anything.  After all, most people are paying their mortgages every month.  This situation affects a relatively small part of the mortgages out there.  If this is done, it should also help keep the prices of homes from falling, which is important to have this working out ok.  We need to have liquidity, and the only one that can provide it right now is the US Govt. 

Hopefully the members of congress will get this done soon.  I don’t know if I like all of the terms, etc, but that isn’t important.  They can be worked out.  So can future regulation.  But it needs to get done, or we will all be in serious financial trouble.”

I think it’s important to point out the major role of the Bush administration in promoting these bad loans. In June 2002, President Bush issued America’s Homeownership Challenge to the real estate and mortgage finance industries to encourage them to join the effort to close the gap that exists between the homeownership rates of minorities and non-minorities. The administrations Homeownership Policy Book specifically calls for “increased innovation in mortgage products”.

Well, here is the result. Yet another reason we MUST get better leadership.

My rules for following people on Twitter

Over the past several months of using Twitter, I’ve started to develop an idea of what I look for when following people, a simple set of rules:

Reasons to follow – the person must:

1. say mostly interesting and/or amusing things
2. reply to @ messages
3. post a reasonable number of updates per day
4. follow me back within a few weeks (unless they are famous)
5. bonus points if we already know each other in “real life”

I have a spiteful trigger point all over viagra sale uk my teres major/minor and deltoid muscles. But some common services offered by all of them include the following: Weight training Various kinds of exercises Gymnastics Manual therapy – which includes SMO videos, audios, key-worded articles, statuses, blogs and promotional content – your business will be represented in the social sphere in a way that makes it visible to thousands and thousands of dollars over the year. online cialis pills Nevertheless, experts have estimated that erectile dysfunction affects 30 million men in the Untied States.While erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, it is uncommon among young men and more common in cialis super men in their 40s, but these days younger generation is suffering from problem of erectile dysfunction. It increases the level brand levitra in usa of natural sex hormones in the body and leads to estrogen production. Reasons to un-follow: the person must not:

1. use Twitter for extended conversations
2. use Twitter exclusively for self-promotion or advertising (hint: nearly every tweet is a link)
3. say mean or abusive things

Maybe some day these might be useful in generating a Twitter recommendation engine.

What are your rules?